men and women dating

The 7 Best Dating Coaches for Men in 2023

Dating is such an important part of our lives, creating a loving connection with someone is what every single one of us is craving.

Today, it seems more complicated than ever for men to find a relationship and there are multiple reasons for that. This article covers, what I believe, are the 7 best dating coaches for men in 2023. Before jumping into the topic, let’s first analyze quickly the reasons why men (and it affects women as well) are struggling today.

Some reasons why men are struggling to date in today’s society

The number one reason why men are struggling to date nowadays is because of what we call “the nice guy” syndrome. It is, unfortunately, a very common problem amongst men. That syndrome refers to the need to look for validation from a woman (or man, or boss) to get something from her, as well as being liked. You are unable to state your intention and desire clearly and honestly, rather you’re using a hidden agenda to avoid rejection and get that validation. It’s unattractive to a woman and society has played a big role in turning men into nice guys. With feminism rising around the globe and a real motivation, for some, to castrate men, it is almost as if it is a crime to tell a woman what you want. I’m not going to debate about feminism and all of that, I’m just referring to the toxic and unhealthy part of those movements.

Another reason is the rise of non-masculine men, aka men that are full of estrogen in their bodies, which is half of the men in western society. Statistics have shown a 70 percent decline in testosterone compared to 50 years ago. Again, society and the modern lifestyle are to blame. Sugar-centered diet, pesticides, endocrine disruptors, soy epidemic, sedentary jobs, growth hormones in meat, dopamine addiction, massive use of porn, and the list goes on.

The lack of connection to your own body and feelings is also playing a major role in this disconnected type of relationship with the other sex. Men are becoming numb, and women usually connect with emotions and feelings. they need to feel the man. Unfortunately, many dating coaches are advocating the use of tactics, manipulations, and cheesy lines instead of embodying emotions and feelings.

Many others issues influence the difficulty that men are facing in 2023. From the overabundance of dating apps and quick-bite type of meetings to the fact that men (and women) are more carrier oriented those days, the “work at home” lifestyle, and other stuff. We can dedicate a full article to why men are facing a hard time dating.

Let’s dive into the list of the 7 best dating coaches for men in 2023. Here are my picks.

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The 7 best dating coaches for men in 2023

This list is composed of coaches that embody the core issue of dating and guide you to do the inner work to heal your traumas and to connect with women. It’s not a ranking list, they all have amazing skills and a proper way of leading the field. Here are the best dating coaches for men in 2023.

1) The Fearless Man by Brian Begin

A few years ago, I was struggling with dating and I discovered Brian Begin on Youtube, I knew from the get-go that this was for me. It was the first time that someone was talking about feeling your body, welcoming the fear, grounding, and holding the tension to create a true and honest connection with women.

The fearless man is more like a personal growth and development company that uses your relationship with women to heal your inner wounds. Let’s face it, women can trigger a man big time. It is the fight of our lives.

Brian will help you to get out of your head and to be more into your body, which leads to a better emotional and sexual connection with women. Another aspect of his coaching is to bring back courage, he is using your fear as a foundation for change, the more you can hold that tension and face that fear, the more you will rewrite your nervous system.

One of his favorite techniques for healing is what he called “the revealing process” which is based on the Sedona method created by Lester Levenson, followed by David R. Hawkins and his famous book “Letting go”.

“Sit in your heart, welcome the feeling, and let it go.”

To finish, my biggest realization I had with working with the Fearless man, is that women can feel everything that is going on with you and in your body, they have that ability to sense and feel. I was amazed at how women were explaining in detail what was going on with all the men present during the workshop. I realized how important is to feel and to be in your body and it’s the only way to truly connect.

The Fearless man is one of the best dating coaches for men, if you want to know more and would like to work with them, click here.

And remember guys, “only the confident really lives”.

2) Ars Amorata by Zan Perrion

Zan Perrion is a truly unique man, he reffers himself as a pirate, lover, scoundrel, and magician that dedicate his life to restoring the beauty of women.

Ars Amorata is a celebration of the art of seduction, the rebirth of romance, and a lifelong quest for beauty and adventure.” He’s the non-conventional coach of this list but a real master in the art of seduction.

The four pillars of his approach and philosophy are : ease and delight, curiosity, invitation only and embodiment. Most men like to talk about themselves, feel the need to impress a woman with their stories and successes. Zan’s approach is the opposite and will put women at the center of the discussion by being genuinely curious about her, by celebreting her.

Another aspect of his work is to own your desire and embody the feeling, never be ashamed of it, do your part, and tell her that you like her and would like to see her again. There is a lot of shadow work involved, to restore beauty in relationships, you must come to peace with your dark side.

Ars Amorata strongest asset is that they understand the subtle dynamics of sub communication between men and women better than anyone else.

Zan narrates this dynamic in an easy-to-understand and philosophical way in his book “The Alabaster Girl”. A beautiful return to poesy and beauty.

“Men who loves women are loved by women” – Zan Perrion

I love Zan and his unique approach, he made me understand that beauty is missing in my life and that I want to bring it back not only with women but in all aspects of my life. If you also want to restore beauty, click here.

3) The Natural Lifestyle by James Marshall

James Marshall is well know in the dating scene, he came up, a few years ago, with a natural approach to the game. He went from a journey of experiencing pain and rejection with women to a place where he naturally express himself and became succesful with women.

through his years of experience and working with men around the world, he developed his method based on the “5 principles of natural seduction.”

  • Awareness: it’s the root of success to be a natural with women.
  • Intent: your ability to focus on your desire and deliver a clean masculine message
  • Emotional impact: to connect with a woman you need to create a deep bond
  • Pressure and release: your ability to hold and release pressure with women
  • Pulling the trigger: without action, nothing is possible.

He offers workshops as well as online courses, and infield actions to push you into the world. He’s the only one on this list to also focus on sexuality, with workshops and courses about how to become a better lover in bed.

If you want to improve your sex life, make sure to read my article on semen retention.

I got triggered while watching one of his latest videos on his Youtube channel. I can sometimes complain and sit on my couch instead of going out in this world and taking action to meet women. There is no way, you can’t find a girlfriend, there are thousands of women out there that are waiting and craving to connect with a man, you just need to go out and take action, and speak your truth and desire. That video acted as a punch in my face.

Don’t wait anymore and start taking action today, click here.

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4) Everlasting Confidence by Daniel Jacob

Daniel Jacob is another example of a great coach that understands the roots and the core of the issue with men not being able to connect with women.

Daniel is touching on an essential problem with men (and people in general), which is self-esteem. We’re not talking about fake self-esteem through manipulative behaviors or pretending but the deep down thruth about yourself.

Self-esteem is at the core of every action you take, and that is also true regarding women and dating.

When you genuinely love yourself, like your life, you will shine and it will be evident and you’ll become attractive to women but also in society, and you will be a joy magnet.

Daniel has online courses that will guide you through the weeds of your self esteem struggles and your childhood unresolved issues. No fluffy tactics here nor how to pick up a girl but a real and honest look at yourself and you’re real value.

He is a great choice if you want to make a turn in your life and start to truly love yourself.

I resonate with his message, he is always on point with the topic, check his page if you want to join his program.

5) No More Mr. Nice Guy by Dr. Robert Glover

You cannot write an article on the best dating coaches for men without talking about the infamous Dr. Robert Glover.

He’s the author of the groundbreaking “No More Mr. Nice Guy” book. In the 90s, he realized how frustrated he is in his marriage and how he can never get what he wants despite him doing whatever possible to please her woman. He understood how his “nice guy” syndrome is preventing him from having what he desired with his relationship but that this syndrome is creating damage on every side.

To recover from being a “nice guy”, he had to learn about fixing boundaries, taking care of himself, loving himself more and developping a honest communication with women about his desires and frustrations.

There is an epidemic of “nice guys” in western society, because of a goal-oriented lifestyle, and a weaker family bond, the multiple wars that killed so many men that had to be educated by their mothers only, creating a father figure problem. For the remaining fathers, it seems more complicated to be present and lead the way for their sons. No more rite of passage.

Dr. Robert Glover will help you understand how to take care of your needs first, and how to express what you truly desire with women, by setting boundaries and honesty.

He is a classic in the dating scene and a man of respect. A true gem for any man who desires to reconnect with himself and women.

Find out more and join his teaching here.

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6) The Wing Girl Method by Marni Kinrys

Marni is the first female coach on this list. I love Marni Kinrys, I discovered her on a cheesy Facebook ad. In the beginning, I was like what the heck is that, seriously, sounds like marketing bullshit and tactics to get my money. It didn’t stop me, I wanted to know more about her and her coaching authenticity.

She has an amazing Youtube channel, with tons of videos on the different aspects of dating. Who knows women more than women? She will decode all the signals and complexity of women for you. She has a nice “Chick-Tionary” program that will, finally, make you understand what women mean when they say something specific. Men always complain that they don’t understand why women get upset, they were just following and doing what she was saying. Well, now you will know.

Women are sensual and playful by nature, they love when a man knows how to flirt with them. Unfortunately, a lot of men are struggling to flirt properly and that frustrates women. that’s why Marni has developed the “F formula“, a proven guideline to master the art of flirting.


  • Understand women mechanisms
  • she has a way to captivate you
  • Pinpoint details that men won’t see


  • Agressive and corny marketing

Marni is one of the best female dating coaches for men. If you’d like to enjoy her soothing and feminine energy and want to learn and master the art of flirting, click here.

7) Arica Angelo

Arica is another female coach and the last one on the list for today. Even though I like to be guided by men because men know men. I also love the idea of a woman showing me the way of women.

I have some friends who despise the idea of them being led by a woman. Come on guys, both sides of the coin have something to say on the topic, a different approach may be, but at the end of the day, the core issues are the same.

I discovered Arica through a video podcast she did with Zan Perrion. They seem to get along well with the message and how to address the dating problem and the biggest problem in this society, which led me think that what she’s offering is of a great value.

Indeed, watching her channel and her spirit, she nailed it as much as the other coaches on this list. She will bring a softer, feminine touch to the table.

Her foundational approach is about bringing back vulnerability so you can deeply connect with a woman and bring your intimacy to the next level. Setting some boundaries is also fundamental to creating a sustainable relationship. She will also push you to do your inner work and awaken the warrior within.

Arica is a great coach and a welcome feminine presence in the dating scene, check her page and her programs here.

Final thoughts

There are no reasons why you should continue to struggle to date, women. I get it, women are sometimes difficult to understand or maybe not as logical as men, but they are beautiful in their souls. This article provides amazing dating coaches for men that truly understand the core issues of modern dating and are dedicated to turning your life. I cannot thanks them enough for the amazing support and revelations, I discovered about myself. They have different approaches and styles but they are all competent and amazing coaches. The ball is on your side.

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