The Rise of Fat Men is The New Epidemic
Today whenever I go and I look around me, I see more than fifty percent of men are fat, or have some fat around the waist and the belly. This is not normal, forty, or fifty years ago, most men were fit and lean. I don’t remember my father being fat or any of his male friends. So what happened? How come half of the men are not fit anymore? In this article, I will share the “why” the rise of fat men is the new epidemic and my insights on how to reverse the process and become a lean warrior again.
Society Is To Blame…
I have a theory and the intuition that society is responsible for the rise of fat men. A fat man is a man who is estrogen dominant, which means that he has less power, less control of himself, and is missing that edge that makes him a leader, he will be more prone to be manipulated and controlled. It is a characteristic of men with hormonal unbalance. That statement doesn’t apply to all fat men but to a large proportion, unfortunately. And that statement can also apply to lean men, I don’t want to generalize or diminish all fat men.
I know a few fat men who are still masculine and powerful and are not brainwashed by society and its constant propaganda.
When you become fat, you tend to easily develop more addictions to food, entertainment, and all sorts of distractions. You are less likely to rebel against the system because you are addicted to the honey they’re providing. Once again, it’s not a generalization but an observation. The fatter you are the less you develop testosterone because being fat converts testosterone into estrogen.
It’s not a secret that society is controlled by a specific cast of people and a few big corporations, unless you live in a jungle far away or a fairy tale, it’s quite obvious. This cast of people has multiple agendas and since they are in a position of power it is easier for them to execute. To them, you’re just a product, a disposable human being. The more they can control people the more money they make and the more their sick ego is flattered. If you become fat, you are also likely to develop a disease or all sorts of health problems, again it’s a profitable situation for them.
To execute their nasty agendas, they need to control men, yes men, not women even if they have fantastic tactical abilities, and many other skills, men are the ones who can fight. If men decide to rebel and take the streets, nobody can stop them but other men. It has always been like that and whoever is on the top knows that very well.
There is a clear intention behind that but their thirst for power and money makes them choose the less healthy road and the easiest way to make a profit. that means they will use cheap ingredients and all sorts of fake nutrients to produce faster and at a minimum cost. Natural products are replaced by chemicals that emulate the real thing.
They choose the most harmful electromagnetic frequencies to make sure they disturb your body on a subtle level so you can’t connect with your inner power and the divine part of you. Wi-Fi and mobile signals could be more harmonious but they aren’t. They even changed the frequency used to record and play music.
They create “antidotes” to an invented problem so they make sure that everyone gets it as soon as they are born, just to make sure they can brick as much as possible your connection to the source and the connection to your own body (on a subtle level). If you want to know more about the subject and want to learn a way to detox, you can read this article.
They invoke science to push their choices, but it’s a biased science, paid by those who want to push the agenda. Everything is controlled from the study to the publication. Check that video, Monopoly – who owns the world?
So how do they make men fat?
They bombard the environment with estrogen, simply as that. Go to a supermarket and read the label on the so-called food they’re selling, it’s full of soy in almost everything, and it’s full of sugar in almost everything as well. Soy contains phytoestrogen, in a small dose it is fine to consume but when most of the food we eat contains phytoestrogen, it becomes a problem. Society is full of Soy Boys with men’s boobs.
When a man eats sugar, the production of testosterone is stopped for at least two hours, the body is trying to reduce the spike in cortisol which creates an inflammatory response in the body, imagine now that most of the food we consume contains sugar. Everyone knows that it’s not good to consume sugary food, but it especially bad for men.
We are surrounded by plastic, the clothes you wear are full of plastic, the tools for the kitchen contain endocrine disruptors, and the ocean is polluted, the water you drink is either in a plastic bottle or from the tap and contains residue from birth pills. Plastic must cool down for a year before being used without disrupting your hormones.
The hops used to brew beers are full of estrogen nowadays, they changed the recipe a long time ago to make sure that men’s favorite drink contains enough estrogen to hijack them.
It’s a vicious circle because when men are continuously exposed to estrogen, they start to become estrogen-dominant, suddenly they get some weight and because they are estrogen-dominant, the testosterone is starting to get converted into estrogen therefore men can’t lose weight and they start to loose their masculine edge as well.
But Our Diet And Lifestyle Are To Blame Too
On one side we have society to blame, on the other side the diet and lifestyle adopted by most men are also responsible of men’s body enlargement.
The problem is that we grew up believing that eating the food they’re selling in the supermarket is okay and that it’s the way everyone is supposed to feed their body. Now that you know society doesn’t want you, as a man, to thrive and be at the top of your game, should you trust those processed food companies? that are advertising their junk all over the place in compliance with governments and health authorities.
Everything is inverted in this reality, temptations are everywhere, and it is more than ever a candy paradise, wherever you go, shops, coffee places, restaurants, mini markets, airports, boats, etc..are promoting sugary food, you cannot find fruits anymore and in general, natural products. Sugar is very addictive, once you start to eat some, you want more and more, and you are becoming like an addict that needs a fix. It destroys your gut biome, creates permanent inflammation, and triggers the fight-or-flight response. But it also affects your mood and promotes anxiety.
Sugar makes you fat!
Alcohol is the norm in this modern age, everyone drinks until their reality shift and they can pretend to be happy, society has managed to impose a lifestyle that affects the body, both spiritually and physically. Alcohol is full of sugar since it’s in a liquid form, it creates a rise in cortisol and insulin in the body, which creates inflammation and a freeze of testosterone production. Alcohol damages the liver and the kidneys which are the filtering process of your body. I’m not going to list every damage that alcohol creates but it’s a poison as much as sugar.
Beer contains Estrogen!
Too much processed food and genetically modified ingredients are available, everywhere and in most of our food. No wonder why so many people are developing intolerances and allergies. Most men (and women) have leaky guts and accumulated mucus in the body.
Leaky guts create inflammation and a fat belly. A lot of our food intolerances come from that. the wheat used to make the bread and pasta is mostly transformed and has become difficult to digest, hence the high number of gluten-intolerant. In general, the more we eat the more we poison ourselves. The list is long!
Kitchen tools and pans are full of endocrine disruptors, In the search for easy profit and faster production most companies started to use chemicals and alternative materials which led years later to the discovery of plenty of hormone disruptors. Those play a big role in disturbing men’s weight and inner balance. Plastic is another culprit here, most of the food we buy are wrapped in plastic, the water your drink and even the clothes you’re wearing are full of synthetic fabrics.
The fast and career-oriented lifestyle can also have a toll on our body and weight, a lot of professions are executed seated, and with the shift to a more digital society, most of us are spending too much time sitting instead of being physically active. When we sit most of the day the metabolism is slowing down and we take on some weight. In addition to that, stress is also omnipresent, a lot of companies are pressuring their employees. Stress promotes inflammation and cortisol response which can often lead to a weight problem.
Men are becoming more and more lazy, addicted to entertainment, and are a life in which they don’t move their bodies enough. This is due to a lifestyle of too much comfort.
How can we reverse the process and get lean?
It’s quite simple and difficult at the same time. It’s not a night-to-day process, it takes time and discipline to get back in shape and be conscious of the constant attack and temptation from society.
To make it simple, you need to change your diet and your lifestyle completely. I will even say that it’s not enough because you need to clean your body and restore hormonal balance. That should be the priority combined with a clean diet and a more physically active lifestyle. Here are a few steps you can start with.
Take Care Of Your Leaky Gut And Restore Your Gut Biome
Gut health is the foundation of a quality life, a clear mind and to have plenty of energy.
Since we started to eat processed food and chemically altered vegetables, our body and gut have a hard time processing the food, and because of the longer digestion and the toxins present, the gut lining starts to get damaged and porous. That means that toxins are going through the bloodstream and poison us. Nowadays, people having IBS is very common, and that’s the direct result of poor gut lining. To restore your gut lining, you have to clean your diet to stop poisoning yourself.
What is a clean diet? Your diet should have more and mainly fruits and leafy green, preferably no meat or very little, no dairy or very little. You should avoid sugar as much as possible, and no alcohol. In general a more raw-oriented diet. And of course, no processed food and chemically altered ingredients.
First, you need to repair the gut, then you need to clean the gut, and finally, you have to eradicate parasites. You can take pre and pro-biotics, and some L-glutamine to help restore the gut lining. To do colon cleansing, i usually take some plants that promote bowel pressure, or i do a session or two of gut cleansing with a specialist. The parasites killing must come at the end.
Restore Your Hormonal Balance
Hormonal balance is so important for your stability and to perform at the top of your game, as a man or as a woman. After you take care of your diet and gut health, that should be your absolute priority. If you have some fat around the waist or you are already fat, there is a great chance that you are estrogen-dominant.
Step one, lose weight because fat tends to convert testosterone to estrogen. Go to the gym, move your body more, eat less. We should be lean and fit and not fat men. I do intermittent fasting every day, that’s a good way to lose weight, reduce insulin resistance, and help the cortisol level to lower.
Ditch your synthetic clothes, it’s not good for you. You can start to buy better quality clothes and slowly change your entire wardrobe. Same with the kitchen tools, be more conscious about it next time you buy something for the kitchen.
Stop drinking tap water and bottled water, instead use something to purify the water and help remove all metals and residues from birth pills. It has a cost but your health should be more important. check my article about drinking purified water.
When you are single, try to avoid ejaculating frequently because it tends to deplete you and make your hormones crash. I know there are lots of controversy about it but I trust my intuition and body more. I have written an article about it if you want to learn more.
Take some herbs that promote healthy testosterone production and prevent the conversion to estrogen. I’m using this one here. Lifting weight and practicing competitive sports activate testosterone as well.
We are living in a very unhealthy and toxic society, sugary temptations are waiting for you at every corner. We as men, should be aware of that and make better choices in our daily life. To be strong we must learn about ourselves gather the courage to live a life with more discipline and not be afraid to stand for the people we love and protect them. We are living in difficult times and there is a clear agenda to diminish health and make men weak and dependent on their system. The thirst for power and the gratification of narcissistic egos have led society and men to that dangerous road. They are responsible of the rise of fat men.
My fellow brothers, I encourage you to look at yourself and take the necessary actions to restore your power and restore the beauty of men in this society.