Detox from vaccines

How To Detox Your Body From Any Vaccines

Vaccines have become a religion since the emergence and the taking up of power from pharmaceutical companies. It seems like an indisputable solution and the savior of humankind. Every person that has a different claim or view has been labeled as a fool, a conspiracy theorist, and an anti-vax. Doctors who dare to say something different than the narrative has seen their license to practice removed, and have been mocked publicly. We’ve experienced that with a scale of magnitude that is beyond sanity over the last three years.

But, vaccines are also causing injuries, that’s a proven fact on any government health website. The number one cause of autism is vaccination. Every Doctor that can sit with integrity and honesty, knows that. There are a lot of risks when you decide to get vaccinated, sometimes the risk-benefit balance is not worth it. Today, no one can deny the harm that the Covid vaccines are doing. From Myocarditis to heart attack, GBS, Neuropathy, disturbed menstrual periods, and even death. There are more and more medical evidence and testimonies that support the danger of those vaccines.

On a positive note, there is a way you can clean your body. Would you like to stay healthy?

Prevention is better than cure- Here is a guide on how to detox your body from any vaccines.

DISCLAIMER: I am obliged to say this but I’m not a doctor, seek validation with your medical adviser. I’m not responsible for your health or any harm using the information on this page and I’m not responsible for third parties using this content. I’m just sharing information like a father would tell his son. A different perspective.

What is a Body Detox?

Body detox is a cleansing process, your body is removing wastes, and toxins to keep balance and harmony within.

Our body is always detoxing if you think about it. We eat, we digest and we eliminate waste. You get food poisoning, you puke, and the body is removing the toxins. When we get a cold, we need to blow our nose and are sweating, another way for the body to remove mucus and toxins.

However, vaccination detox is more complex because it is directly injected into the blood, and it can contain heavy metals like aluminum and graphene, nanoparticles, formaldehyde, and thimerosal just to name a few. The list of ingredients is even more nasty, dead fetuses, animal components, and even nanochips, that is crazy indeed (check the article from the Telegraph regarding the lockdown files if you doubt it). Who would want to inject that into his body?

The latest technology in vaccines, can mess with your DNA and create an inflammatory response in some organs leading to an abnormal number of heart attacks around the world in the last couple of months.

Everyone that got vaccinated in his life needs to detox, no matter what the mainstream science is telling you. Vaccines build up toxins over time and impact your functions.

Nature provides everything we need to help the body detox from any vaccines.

What Are the Side Effects of Vaccines?

This is a sensitive topic but no matter on which side of the spectrum you’re standing, vaccines are causing light to extremely severe effects. Numerous victims can testify of having their lives changed forever and not for good. Many parents can testify for their child’s death as well, sadly.

To understand why vaccines are causing problems, we simply need to look at some of the ingredients contained in those vaccines.

Aluminum is common in vaccines, and numerous studies have linked the presence of aluminum in the body to brain diseases like Alzheimer’s. Aluminum is also causing cancers. Today, we cannot deny the danger of aluminum in the human body. Check on the web, there are many studies talking about it.

If you want to know more about the dangers of vaccines, check this link and watch Vaccination: The hidden truth.

We are not supposed to ingest aluminum or any heavy metals, no matter what the mainstream science is telling you, it is not part of God’s design. Plus the body has a hard time removing those.

The last type of vaccine, you know the one that they try to force you taking it, contains graphene, a liquid metal. It’s a nanoparticle designed to control. I know it sounds like a sci-fi movie or the worst conspiracy theory but there are no conspiracy theories, just facts and a clear plan to enslave humans. Check this video, the Nano Robots inside you, that video is 8 years old, imagine what is possible now.

The list of ingredients is long and not very transparent to the public. Things such as formaldehyde, thimerosal, or aborted fetus cells are present in some vaccines. And yes, that’s insane, if you don’t believe me, you can read what aborted fetuses have to do with vaccines or Use of Aborted Fetal Tissue in Vaccines and Medical research Obscures the Value of all Human life.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of possible side effects from vaccines, Covid, and the rest.

  • Meningitis
  • Autism
  • Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS)
  • Heart attack
  • Myocarditis
  • Generalized Neurological Symptoms
  • Acute Inflammatory Neuropathies
  • Menstrual irregularities
  • Immune dysregulation
  • Allergies
  • Cancer
  • Death

The list goes on and it’s unfortunately a long one.

Unfortunately, those kinds of information are not well shared over the net, and in society, there is this consensus that vaccines are good and that we wouldn’t be here without them. It seems like an undisputed truth and there are no debates, society will try to dismiss everything or everyone that contradicts their narrative. A lot of doctors are misled by pharmaceutical companies and the hand that rules society in the shadow. Statistics and evidence about the vaccines are biased, just like statistics and evidence during the pandemic were biased too.

You can watch this podcast where Dr. Malone talks about vaccines and the pandemic, the Truth vs the Narrative.

You can also watch this documentary about the dark practices of vaccine companies, A shot in the Dark.

Vaccines detox

How to Detox from Vaccines?

There is no miracle cure or quick fix, detoxing your body from years of toxins is not an easy path, it takes time and dedication, and consistency for some time.

All will depend on the individual, many factors are in play.

  • Your health status
  • How much inflammation you may have in the body
  • Your gut health, leaky gut, IBS, or else?
  • The dosage from the vaccines
  • Your liver and kidney health status
  • Allergies
  • Your diet
  • Your genetic

The first thing to do is a blood test to have an idea of your current condition. You need to check the D-dimer in your blood. That will tell you about the risks of mini Thrombosis or blood clots. You need also to check oxygen in the blood and make an electromagnetic measure of your body. Those tests are more for the vaccines that they force you to take the last three years.

There are two types of vaccines, those used in the last three years and then the others.

Let’s dive into some options you have to detox your body from any vaccines taken over the years.


Our body is the smartest creation ever, we can heal, we can create, and we have infinite power. Even though most of our DNA is dormant.

Fasting is a powerful practice that gives our body time to rest and recover and do what is needed to restore balance and get rid of unwanted substances. Unfortunately, we have a lifestyle that denies the body time and energy to do its job fully.

When you eat, the body is using 75 percent of its energy to digest and get rid of waste, that’s a big chunk of our available energy. Now imagine that most of us are eating too much and too often in addition to not having a clean diet, things like processed meat, sugar everywhere, pesticides and additives, dairy infused with growth hormones, alcohol, and gluten. That’s our modern diet.

We are living under stress levels most of the time, believe me, if you make a blood test, the chances of higher cortisol than required are high. Stress gives a hard time to the body, impacting its ability to properly function.

Fasting has many benefits, like autophagy, which is the ability to recycle waste from cells, clear junk, and repair oxidized parts of the body. It boosts immunity, reduces inflammation, and promotes a better quality of life. Fasting will simply give time to your body to focus on what is important to heal.

You can start by doing intermittent fasting, stop eating around 8 pm and allow your body to rest for 16 hours, so you can have food again around 12, the next day. It’s a soft way to get introduced to fasting and already gives more chances to detox.

Once you feel at ease doing intermittent fasting, you can try real fasting. Be careful, fasting is not for everyone, if you have a food disorder behavior, that can be detrimental and reinforce your disorder. Fasting for more than 7 days is recommended only with medical supervision or with a practitioner.

I would also recommend a different type of fasting, in which you’re allowed to eat fruits. It’s a little easier but it is as equally powerful as the dry one. Fruits are amazing for the body and have a powerful detox ability. They also don’t leave any residues in your body, which make them the perfect food.

Check how Bryan Mirabella has transitioned to a fruit-based lifestyle.

Fasting is a great way to detox your body from any vaccines.

Get Rid of Heavy Metals

One of the major problems with vaccines is their adjuvants, such as aluminum or graphene oxide. That should NOT be in your body, it’s harmful and will impact everyone in the long run. I will not say more about it, do your research about their dangers, however, they have been used to disturb your ability to connect spiritually.

You can read this article, Aluminum Toxicity and The Hidden Link Between Organophosphate Exposure and Post-Vaccine Syndromes.

I would recommend using a protocol to detox your body from heavy metals (also present in the water). Products such as Zeolite, Activated Charcoal, Spirulina, and all sorts of algae should do the job.

My recommendation is the use of marine phytoplankton. You can buy them on this link, if you live in Europe, or you can buy them here if you live in the States.

Like always, check your condition first and see what’s best for you.

Breathing Protocols

Breathing is the most powerful tool to detox your body from anything. Every time you exhale, you evacuate and remove up to 84% of cellular waste.

By learning how to breathe slower, you will increase oxygen levels in the body, therefore giving energy to all your organs to function at their best. The liver and the kidneys are the organs responsible for removing waste. The more oxygen the better they will operate, and the better you can detox your body from any vaccines.

Breathing slower will also increase your energy giving your body the fuel it needs to do its job like a boss.

Detoxing through breathing is not a quick fix, it takes time to retrain the body and eliminate toxins. However, learning the proper way is a mandatory skill for a better life.

You can read my review of Breathing with Bryan Method. It teaches you how to breathe for the rest of your life.

Take Care of your Liver and Kidneys

The liver and the kidneys are two vital organs, they are both responsible of remove waste. If they don’t function in the best possible way, it will bring problems to your health.

The liver is responsible for cleaning foreign substances from the bloodstream and regulates blood sugar. It also detoxifies chemicals such as drugs.

The kidneys are responsible for removing wastes and extra fluid from the body. It removes mainly acids to maintain a good balance of water and salt and minerals. Both organs will help detox your body from vaccines’ long terms effects.

The modern diet is very taxing for those organs because it blocks the emunctories, which are responsible for removing waste.

You can use some plants to detox your liver and your kidneys so they can also do their job and remove what the body doesn’t need.

Desmodium and Dandelion are two amazing plants that have cleansing properties. Go to your favorite herbal shop or herbal adviser and start a cure. Desmodium is protecting the liver cells against toxic molecules and has anti-inflammatory properties. Dandelion is great protector as well. Those plants work also great with the latest vaccines.

Vaccines detox

Repair your Gut Lining

Your gut is the foundation of a healthy life. All diseases start in the gut, that’s why it is fundamental to have a healthy gut lining. Unfortunately, consuming processed food, chemicals, and sugar all the time, ends up destroying your gut lining, and poisoning your bloodstream which as a result creates food intolerance and allergies, IBS, brain fog, and a poor immune defense system.

To be able to detox your body and stay balanced, you need first to restore harmony in your gut as well as reinforce or restore the gut lining. There is no quick fix, you need to clean your diet and eat healthily. Start by eliminating all processed food and eating organic.

Cut inflammatory food such as gluten-based food, and dairy products. Cut or reduce sugar as well, and replace cakes and candy with fruits.

You can start taking some pre and pro-biotics, and consult a nutritionist to find what suits you best. You can also take some L-Glutamine to help restore your lining.

You can find great products at Well Of Life or Markus Rothkranz shop.

Taking Supplements and Vitamins

Helping the body in its daily task is a good idea, that’s why supplements and vitamins have been created. However, don’t overuse them or think it’s a magical solution. It is exactly what the name suggests, a supplement.

All vitamins and minerals are important even though not all are considered essential.

To detox your body from vaccines, you need a combo of C and D vitamins (always with K2 for better absorption) and Zinc and Magnesium.

You can add NAC or N-Acetyl Cysteine and or Gluthation to your routine as they are powerful to destroy graphene oxide and metals in general.

When choosing vitamins or minerals, always take something natural, it should come from fruits or vegetables. The rest is synthetic and not well absorbed by the body. It also takes a lot of energy to process synthetic supplements and vitamins.

I didn’t talk about the spike protein that has caused those massive health problems and deaths in the last couple of months but following a healthy detox and anti-inflammatory diet will help break down the spike protein. I will update this article, over time, with more ways to detox the body from vaccines.


Vaccination danger is real, physically and spiritually. No matter what mainstream media and pharmaceutical companies are telling you, it’s in their best interests to make you believe that it is fully safe and that you need those to stay alive. It’s a multi-billion industry that thrives on your “diseases” and fear of death. Money aside, vaccination is the best way for a society to silently brick your DNA and health and inject you with nanoparticles to control you, hypothetically. Since it is established by the system and the masses that vaccination is the holy savior of mankind, nobody will doubt it or imagine what I just said above. I always encourage you to do your research and conclusion, take back control of your life and health, and start to adopt a healthy and conscious lifestyle, you won’t need any vaccines.

To sum up best what I believe: The best vaccine is the one that is never used.

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